Here’s a question: is it okay to still get nervous for a
show? The strangest thing happened on
New Years Eve: I was at the hotel getting ready and got nervous and
anxious. It continued on the way over to
the show, and into the first 10-15 minutes of the show. I can’t remember the last time I actually
felt that way. I mean, come on, I’ve
played literally thousands of shows at this point; and have played that venue
several times as well. There’s no
logical reason for it. But there I was
with knots in my stomach and that feeling of anxiety as I was getting ready for
the show. As I think about it now, I am
hoping it is a good thing for that to happen every once in a while. Hopefully it means that I still want to put
on a good show; that I’m not just going through the motions up there.
So, the big news: the album is completely finished! Yes, done.
No more re-recording, no more editing, no more tweaking. Done.
You have no idea how excited I am to have this project finished. I feel like it has consumed me for most of
this past year, and to finally have it completed is such a relief. Here’s where we are with everything: we have
sent the tracks and album cover artwork off to the replication company, and
should have the album at our shows starting Jan. 10th. Yes, starting next Friday we will have our
new album with us at every show. I am
absolutely thrilled to get this new music out to you all. Oh, and also, the album has been sent to
I-tunes (as well as pretty much every other online music distribution
company). It is in processing with them
all now, and as soon as it is available I will let everyone know, as well as
put the link up on all our social media sites and our WEBSITE.
We are dedicating the next 3 months completely to promoting
this new album. Going back to all the
places where we have large fan bases.
Starting next week in Nebraska, then heading up North to all the cold
states for the end of January and throughout February, and we are doing album
release parties in every town where they know us and know our music. These next few months are really going to be
so exciting for us; bringing new music to everyone. So we hope you will be looking out for us to
come back to your town soon, and when we get there you better come celebrate
with us! And I’m really interested to
find out which songs you all like and which ones you don’t. I have my own opinions, but am curious to
hear which songs you like. I’m looking
forward to the feedback. Oh, quick funny
story: we were playing a song off the album last night, and when we got done
with the show a woman asked that we not play it anymore when she’s there b/c it
made her want to go beat up her ex-boyfriend.
Which to me was hilarious since anger/hatred is not the emotion I was
trying to convey through this particular song.
But hey, at least my song moved her in some way, right? So that should be worth something. Anyway, I really do want to know what you
think of the songs. So please let me (or
any of us) know which ones you really like so we can continue playing them at
the shows. And if there are any of them
that are just really shitty, let me know that too – just maybe tell me in a slightly
not so blunt way. I can hear it now: “hey
man, that song on your album sucks. It made
my ears bleed it was so bad”.
A couple people emailed last week asking about song
writing. The main question I got was, “how
do you come up with the ideas for the songs you write / what makes you choose
to write a song?” Truth: I have
absolutely no clue how it works. I am
horrible at trying to sit down and write a song. I feel very unproductive when I try to force
it like that. Most of the time, out of
nowhere I will just get an idea in my head; like maybe a good hook or maybe
even just a couple of lines with a good rhyme scheme. Then, if I remember to write it down,
hopefully later I can go back and start to work with it. Or sometimes I will be messing around on the
guitar and come up with something I really like and then try to come up with
lyrics that fit later on. It always
seems like I spontaneously come up with song ideas while in the shower; when
there’s no way to write it down. Then
try to remember it until I get out of the shower, dry off, and can find
something to write on. It is even worse when
I’m in there and come up with an entire chorus or verse and have to sing it
over and over until I can write the whole thing down. Or sometimes I get an idea in my head as I’m
laying in bed at some random hotel and can’t sleep after a show. Then I have to find my notebook and write it
all down in the dark. Sometimes the next
morning I can’t even read it because its so bad. You should see the notebooks I carry around
with half-finished songs and random lines or song hooks. Finding a song I want to go back and work on
is nearly impossible with all the scribbling and unfinished ideas I have in
them. But some of them do turn into
finished songs eventually. And a few of
those I actually like enough (and think are good enough) to play for the rest
of the guys. But 19 out of 20 songs
either never get finished or I just don’t think are strong enough songs to
pursue them further.
I must say that I’m surprised, but am really enjoying the
feedback people continue to give about this blog. I had no idea people would actually read all
this nonsense about what we’re doing out here on the road. But I guess some of you are. And for a small time touring band like us,
that’s pretty cool. So definitely keep
letting me know if you’re reading and enjoying this. And I’ll keep writing. But also keep those ideas coming about what
you’d like to hear about from us. EMAIL
us with all your questions or comments, or even just fun (or funny) memories
from some of our past shows.
I’d like to ask a quick favor from all our FACEBOOK fans out
there. Share us with your friends. Post
our FAN PAGE on your wall. Or better
yet, invite all your friends to like our page as well. Spread the word. It is actually very easy and quick to invite
them to our page. If you’re on a
computer, just go to our Fan page, and on the right side column there is a
section near the top where it allows you to invite all your friends. But if you Facebook from your phone, you can’t
do this from the FB app. You have to log
into FB from your internet tab and then go to our Fan Page to do it. But it really does help so much for you to
just spread the word about us to others.
So if you’re bored or just have a
few minutes after you read this, get on Facebook and invite all your friends to
like our page (and let me know when you do so I can watch out for new fans). And make sure you check us out on TWITTER as
Well, that’s it for today.
Come see us at a show soon and get the new album! Thanks for reading.
Another great blog Michael, cant wait to see you guys at the Dove, Im looking forward to getting your new cd. Keep the blogs coming and safe travel.. Kendra