Thursday, January 30, 2014

A First Time For Everything

I normally would want to keep this blog dedicated to things that are happening off stage, but the coolest thing happened at our show the other night that I just had to share with you all, because it was so touching.  It was some woman’s birthday, so she was out celebrating with some friends.  After wishing her happy birthday and properly embarrassing her over the speakers, we moved on with the show.  A few songs later someone from that group came up and asked us if we would allow the birthday woman’s girlfriend us the microphone to propose.  Well of course she can.  So she did: got up on stage, dropped to one knee, the whole 9 yards.  Normally I would say that the whole proposing in a bar thing is a little cheesy, but if you would have been there for that moment, you would agree that there was nothing cheesy nor corny about it.  It was perfect.  Now here’s the thing: I don’t ever want to push my political, or religious, or ethical beliefs on anyone.  I think we should all have our own views and opinions.  And let’s be honest here, I’m a musician; not a politician, not a theologian or anything else.  So my opinions would never be intended to influence you or anyone else.  It really doesn’t matter to me what other peoples stances are on pretty much anything (just that you like my music!!!), and I will never ask you to agree with my view points.  Saying that, I will now say this: I have never seen two people more genuinely happy to be together than those two women were at that moment.  I know as a band we all felt very blessed to get to see and be a part of the moment that they shared together that night at our show.  And isn’t that really the point: to find someone to share your life with that makes you that happy?  It was obvious to us that they made each other that happy, and that they really wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.  It was a pretty touching moment. 

Okay, now on to things off stage.   Here’s something that was a pretty huge milestone for me last week: I had my first ever Big Mac.  In 34 years I had never had one until last week.  At this point it had kind of become an ongoing joke that I wouldn’t have one until my 80th birthday or something like that.  But the guys kept telling me how good they were; like I was really missing out on a great experience or something.  There were only a few things in life I could say I had never done: never got a tattoo, never been sky diving, never had a Big Mac.  So I broke down and ordered one.  So, how was it?  After all these years of missing out on the mysteriousness of the Big Mac - My verdict: eh, not really worth the hype.  Kevin and Josh think I’m crazy for not loving it.  I mean, how can I not love a burger that had its own song?  Guess I’ll be going back to the Quarter Pounder from now on.  You know what McDizzle did get right: adding bacon to the Quarter Pounder.  Now that was a great idea!

Last week we started doing some radio promotion for the new album.  Part of our plan to promote “Back In Town” is to do radio interviews in most of the towns we play.  So if we are coming to your area, please be sure to listen for us on the radio.  Here’s what I love about radio: it is still easily the best medium for music.  People still listen to radio in their cars or at work.  People still have that favorite station that they have listened to for years.  So for an independent band like us who are trying to get our music out there to new audiences, radio is huge.  And radio interviews can be fun.  Of course there are some of the same basic directed interview questions that have to be there to promote the band and music; but sometimes we get to talk with a DJ that will have fun discussing completely random off the wall stuff with us.  That’s when it gets fun.  I remember one time we got so far off topic in a radio interview we ended up discussing our favorite cookies.  Yep, nothing to do with music; just had a discussion about cookies.  But then someone out there listening actually brought us cookies that night to the show.  Of course there are the down sides to it too: most radio shows want to do entertainment interviews in the morning (which makes sense b/c that’s when the most people are tuning in), but that means we have to get up early to be there on time.  If we are traveling to get there, that means we have to get up super early to get into town for the radio interview.  We’re musicians; by default, we don’t do early mornings very well.  You think the other guys would be okay covering the interview while I slept in??? Somehow I bet they’re going to want the namesake of the band to be there.  Oh well, who needs sleep anyway?  It is more important to promote this album than for me to have sufficient sleep.  Totally worth it too.  You know, if I really cared about the other guys I’d let them sleep in and just go do the interviews myself.  Which I guess I would do if they wanted me to.  Anyway, back to the radio discussion: does your favorite radio station do band interviews?  If so, EMAIL me and let me know which station and where it is.  If we’re heading your way, we’d love to get on the local station for a few minutes. 

Well, we are on the last week of this 5 week tour.  It has been long, but super successful for us.  Promoting this album is exhausting and a never ending task, but so worth it when we get the positive feedback that you have all given us over the past month.  That is a huge part of what motivates me; knowing that our music is having a positive effect on people.  So if you’re really enjoying the album (or even just had a great time at one of our shows) please let us know.  And if you really like what we’re doing, tell your friends about us too.  Play the music for them; invite them out to a show with you.  Word of mouth has helped promote our music more than you can imagine.  So if you like what we do, definitely talk about us.  Last night even, someone at our show brought two new people with her to come hear us; which was awesome.  So next time we’re in town, bring a friend to the show; and encourage them to purchase one of our band shirts, or a koozie, or both of our albums (yes, that was a shameless PR plug).

Alright, enough for this week.  As always, please make sure you check out our website  You can listen to our new album on the website, or find the new album on I-TUNES.  Make sure you also ‘like’ our FACEBOOK fan page, and ‘follow’ us on TWITTER as well.  (I think that is all of our social media sites I’m supposed to promote)

Oh, last thing: someone suggested that our songs would be easier to learn if the lyrics were posted someplace, and suggested that I do that.  To which I replied, “thanks for making even more work for me”.   All kidding aside, it actually is a good idea; any way we can make our music and lyrics more accessible to the people who want it.  So I guess what I’ll try to do for the next several posts is copy out the lyrics to one of the songs at the end of these blogs (please don’t ask me to do this for the old album too).  So, by request, here you go:

“Show A Little Skin”
Just the other day I was wondering why y’all got control over all us guys
Just then I realized what you’ve known all along
Some of us like red-heads others prefer blondes
Some like them short, and some like them long
Legs but there’s one thing that turns every guy on

When you show a little skin
come on let ‘em see, what you’ve got going on underneath
every guy wants to take a peak at you
might as well show it off ‘cause you know you got it
come on girl just rock that body
and let the games begin
show a little skin

Guys head to the lake ‘cause they want to be around a bunch of girls wearing nothing but strings
And doing all sorts of sexy things like splashing around
There ain’t nothing wrong with a mini-skirt
Cut way too high with a skimpy shirt
On a real fine woman with a bunch of curves when she’s out on the town

So show a little skin
come on let ‘em see, what you’ve got going on underneath
every guy wants to take a peak at you
might as well show it off ‘cause you know you got it
come on girl just rock that body
and let the games begin
show a little skin

Y’all must be doing something right
‘cause every guy in here is acting kind of crazy tonight
So show a little skin

Show a little skin
come on let ‘em see, what you’ve got going on underneath
every guy wants to take a peak at you
might as well show it off ‘cause you know you got it
come on girl just rock that body
and let the games begin
show a little skin
show a little skin

1 comment:

  1. As a musician you have had my respect and support for the last several years. After reading this blog you now have my respect as a fellow human being. Kudos to you and your band for getting to share such an important moment with those ladies. Best of luck with the radio tour. Would love to see you all in Easy TN.
